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Uniting for Ukraine
Immigration  |  Sarah Burrow  |  04.22.2022 8:33 am  |  26565  |  A+ | a-
Today, President Biden will announce Uniting for Ukraine, a new streamlined process to provide Ukrainian citizens who have fled Russia’s unprovoked war of aggression opportunities to come to the United States. To be eligible, Ukrainians must have been residents in Ukraine as of February 11, 2022, have a sponsor in the United States, complete vaccinations and other public health requirements, and pass biometric and biographic screening, as well as security checks. Ukrainians approved via this process will be authorized to travel to the United States and be considered for parole, on a case-by-case basis, for a period of up to two years. Once paroled through this process, Ukrainians will be eligible for work authorization. Beginning April 25, 2022, US-based individuals and entities can apply to the US Department of Homeland Security to sponsor Ukrainian citizens who have been displaced by Russian’s aggression through the Uniting for Ukraine process, which will go live that day on the US Department of Homeland Security website. The US is strongly encouraging Ukrainians seeking refuge in the United States who do not have and are not eligible for a visa to seek entry via Uniting for Ukraine from Europe, as this will be the safest and most efficient way to pursue temporary refuge in the United States.
In addition, the US State Department is announcing increased refugee resettlement processing and broadened access to visa processing at consular posts overseas.
Temporary Protected Status is available for Ukrainians who have been residing in the United States since April 11, 2022.
We strongly encourage Ukrainian nationals to contact the experienced Lewis Kappes immigration attorneys at 317.639.1210, who stand with Ukraine and are prepared to help our Ukrainian community navigate these opportunities.

Disclaimer: This article is made available for educational purposes only and is not intended as legal advice.