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Sarah Burrow Elected Board of Directors President of COIN
Announcements  |  Sarah Burrow  |  11.19.2021 1:59 pm  |  34433  |  A+ | a-
Lewis Kappes attorney Sarah Burrow has been elected President of the Board of Directors of the Coalition of Our Immigrant Neighbors (“COIN”).
COIN is a coalition of service providers working together to facilitate and coordinate community efforts to provide legal, mental health, and other services for immigrants in Central Indiana. COIN’s more than 120 partners are nonprofits, professionals, schools, faith organizations, legal service providers, and others in the greater Indianapolis area who provide direct services to the immigrant community. Immigrants in the Indianapolis area are more likely to face the challenges of poverty and financial insecurity. Whether they arrive as refugees, asylum seekers, undocumented families, students, or other ways, there are immediate barriers to thriving financially, such as language, lack of adequate housing, ability to obtain work, and transportation. Further, immigrants in our community often have unfamiliarity with the social network of the United States and services that may be available to them. Identifying and overcoming these issues takes knowledge and skills, but also working hand-in-hand with our immigrant neighbors to work from an asset-based approach. Since 2016, COIN’s diverse, vibrant coalition has been addressing and working through barriers that prevent newcomers to thrive. Because COIN is a coalition of organizations working together, the group can and does identify and prioritize issues preventing our Central Indiana social service community from adequately serving our immigrant neighbors, minimizes duplication and overlap among service providers, and connects overwhelmed service providers to other programs that might work to meet the needs of their clients. COIN has created, augmented, and expanded community resources as existing organizations are able to build upon areas of expertise and new organizations rise to fill in gaps.
To learn more about COIN, visit their website at www.coalitionforourimmigrantneighbors.org. To learn more about Sarah Burrow and her immigration practice, click here.

Disclaimer: This article is made available for educational purposes only and is not intended as legal advice.